Touch Response Assignment

Graphite Drawing + ink

"many women experience extreme pain during their periods each month..."
A Natural History of The Senses, Diane Ackerman, p. 103


The idea for this piece was to show the type of pain people endure during their periods. The feeling of your insides pulling and extending. 

the skin has eyes 
color pencil + ink 

"touch seems to be as essential as sunlight."
A Natural History of The Senses, Diane Ackerman, p. 80

"how much information is communicable in a touch. Every other sense has an organ you can focus on, but touch is everywhere"
A Natural History of The Senses, Diane Ackerman, p. 74 

"...but the skin is also alive, breathing and excreting, shielding us from harmful rays..." A Natural History of The Senses, Diane Ackerman, p. 67 


The above quotes emphasis how important touch is in our everyday live. I wanted to incorporate the importance of the skin and how it protects us from the climate, adding in the thermal coloring to the heat and cold.  Also wanted to express how our skin is alive and works as our actual eyes.


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